Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction

India, like the rest of the world, is staring at colossal climate related challenges.

Global warming, carbon emission, heat-waves, flooding, unusually dry weather, spells of incessant rains, disasters have entered our everyday vocabulary and yet, one can’t help but think that not enough is being done.

At YSD, we work with two basic clarities: the climate is not changing itself and everyone is not getting impacted by the climate-change induced crises in the same way. We look at the system of greed, waste, and the insatiable hunger for profit as the real culprit behind the climate crisis the world is facing today. We, however, also hold that the poor and the marginalised, children and women carry disproportionate burden of the climate crisis, even when they remain least prepared to negotiate it.

Our Focus

  • Disaster Relief and Preparedness
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Green Habits and Practices and Circular Economy
  • Organic Farming

Case Stories : Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction

Case Story-2

Case Story-3

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